There are many different file formats, sometimes its hard to know what one to use. At Studiotone we support most file formats and if we don't we have an artwork team on hand to convert it to a type we do support.

What file format do you need?

CNC machined work:

  • We will need a vectored file. This is because our specialised software works by cutter along the vector boundaries.
  • If you want a CNC die but don't have vectored artwork don't worry. Our artwork team can convert bitmaps to vectors for a small fee.
  • Look at the image below to see the difference between Bitmaps(left) and Vectors(right)

Chemically etched dies:

  • We don't necessarily need vectored artwork for etched dies. Although we prefer vectored artwork because it can be resized without losing any quality and is generally much crisper than a bitmap, bitmap artwork can still be used as long as it is of sufficient quality.
Bitmap VS vector.png

To see if your artwork is bitmapped or vectored, open up the file and zoom in on a section(you may have to zoom quite close), if it looks like the one on the left your artwork is bitmapped. If its the one on the right you have vectored artwork.


Our artwork team is always on hand to help and we also do artwork conversions from bitmap to vectors. This is beneficial because vectors are resizable with no quality loss. Send us over your artwork tell us you want a bitmap to vector conversion and give us a couple of days, we will return you a new vectored file.


Prices start from £10.